
Electricity and petrochemicals

Petrochemical products are an essential part of our lives. It's hard to imagine modern society without using them. In all areas of life, from food packaging to utensils in the home, on the street and in the workplace, are products originating or related to the oil and gas industry.

What are petroleum refining products?

Petrochemical products are an essential part of our lives. It's hard to imagine modern society without using them. In all areas of life, from food packaging to utensils in the home, on the street and in the workplace, are products originating or related to the oil and gas industry.

Today, petroleum and natural gas-based chemicals, or petrochemicals, are one of the foundational ingredients of most modern industries. For example, in the most modern new aircraft is the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, modern synthetic materials from petrochemical products account for more than half of the main structure. In addition, the majority of daily use items and goods such as cars, computers, mobile phones, children's toys, pesticides, fertilizers, clothing, sporting goods, shampoo, water Flowers, household cleaners, beverage bottles and medicines are all made from petrochemical products. Petrochemical products have created miracles in the fields of health, hygiene, consumer goods, food and technology, making people's lives today more comfortable and life expectancy much longer than in other countries. previous century.

Refined products are mainly fuels (LPG, gasoline, kerosene, DO oil, FO), some other products such as lubricants, asphalt, sulfur, wax, oil coke and other raw materials for oil refining. Petrochemical. Refined products are produced from oil refineries (NMLDs) with the raw material being crude oil, a fossil fuel generated from the decomposing in the absence of air of buried plants and animals. buried in the earth's crust and/or the synthesis of the elements carbon and hydrogen at very high temperatures and pressures over hundreds of millions of years. Primitive petroleum refining products are simply distilled from crude oil. Nowadays the proportion of newly synthesized ingredients in the refined product has increased to improve the quality of the refined product.

Petrochemical products are chemicals produced from raw materials that are intermediate products of refineries or from natural gas. The basic materials for the production of petrochemical products are divided into 3 main groups based on their chemical structure. The first group is the olefins including ethylene, propylene and butylene, butadiene. These olefins are the basis for the production of industrial chemicals, plastics, plastics and synthetic rubber. The second group is aromatic compounds (aromatics) including benzene, toluene and xylene used in the production of synthetic dyes and detergents, plastics and man-made fibers. The last group is syngas, a mixture of CO and hydrogen, which is used as a feedstock for the production of ammonia and methanol. In which, ammonia is an important raw material for the production of nitrogenous fertilizers, nitric acid, and amine-based compounds, while methanol is an important solvent and raw material for the production of other petrochemical products.

  • Petrochemical refining technology - what you need to know

It is a miracle that with their wisdom, people have created technologies to convert the primitive oil and gas in nature into petrochemical products with completely different properties, replacing natural products. with better features, higher durability, lower cost, has unique characteristics, is smarter, more environmentally friendly such as clean gasoline replacing natural fuel oil, synthetic rubber replacing natural rubber, synthetic fibers instead of cotton, silk, plastic substitutes for wood and steel in construction, appliances and equipment and machinery components.

The word crude oil is not simple in the folklore saying that if you dig it up, you will be able to use it right away. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of different substances. Crude oil is often mixed with impurities such as water and mineral salts from the extraction process in the oil field. These impurities need to be removed through desalination and water before being added to the crude oil distillation. When distilling crude oil, we obtain a series of fractions with a certain boiling range corresponding to the intended use of the end product. In refinery, crude oil is normally distilled at atmospheric pressure into the following fractions: gas, LPG, Naphtha (used to make gasoline), Kerosene (used to make kerosene or jet fuel), Gas Oil (used to make kerosene or jet fuel). used to mix DO oil) and oil residue. Atmospheric distillation residue can be further distilled under low pressure (vacuum distillation) to further separate into other fractions. The fractions obtained from the distillation of crude oil need to be upgraded before use, through chemical conversion processes (reforming, isomerization, alkylation, thermal cracking, catalytic cracking) , hydrocracking, coking, hydrogen treatment) or mixed with additives. Depending on the requirements of the end product quality, the chemical conversion process or the appropriate type of additive is selected.

From crude oil, by dozens of technological processes of refining oil, people can produce hundreds of types of petroleum products and petrochemical raw materials.
From basic materials produced from refineries or produced from natural gas (olefins, aromatic compounds and syngas), by hundreds of diverse and complex technologies, thousands of useful petrochemical products (plastics, plastics, fibres, fertilizers, medicines, other chemicals). Petrochemical technology with many ways of combining basic materials together, chemically changing the nature of raw materials to form products with desired properties.

When it comes to refining and petrochemical technology, it is impossible not to mention catalysts. Catalysts are an extremely important element of the petrochemical refining process. It is the key and the driving force for the development of new technologies and new products.

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